Do Storygalorey at home with NEW Drawing for Kids online class!

Teaching Kids Art Through Picture Books

Literature based art ideas for you and your family

Glow in the dark art supplies to make your kids' art POP!

Do you remember the first time you saw something glow in the dark? Maybe it was under a black light, or maybe it was a glow stick outside. Maybe you got to see a recent eclipse with the sun's corona shining around the moon. Or maybe it was just seeing myriads of fireflies by the road or in your backyard some summer night.

Whatever it was, seeing things glow in the dark is magical. 

Want to create a special luminous memory for your kids? You may not have these art supplies already at home, but they are worth having because they are the key to creating lots of unusual and fun art.

Start with just one or two art supplies, and you can add more as your kids get excited about creating.  

The first special art supply will do double duty for science experiments and Halloween decorations. It is simply a little black light flashlight. Get a black light  and throw it in the drawer to pull out whenever you need it. My granddaughters and I had a lot...

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What to do with lots (and lots) of kids' artwork

“Help! What do I do with All. This. Artwork????” 

“My child is prolific! Our house is overrun with art! I don’t want to throw it away, but how do I deal with the paper mess?” 

I understand, and I’ve been there. Before there was Facebook, the internet, or Etsy, there were bulletin boards, binders, and magnetic refrigerators. And walls. So there I lived during the 90’s when my little ones were busy coloring every available surface they were allowed with a marker or a crayon.

Thankfully, I have more options for you today than I had for myself when I was a young mom, and I’m happy to share these artwork display ideas from my own recent research and some help from Storygalorey mom Cara Lewis, who shared her ideas with me-thank you! 

Here are 13 ways to keep (at least some of) your kid’s art without too much overwhelm:

    1. Bulletin Board: You can easily find bulletin boards or cork squares at Walmart, Amazon, or even...
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