Do Storygalorey at home with NEW Drawing for Kids online class!

What to do with lots (and lots) of kids' artwork

Feb 27, 2023

“Help! What do I do with All. This. Artwork????” 

“My child is prolific! Our house is overrun with art! I don’t want to throw it away, but how do I deal with the paper mess?” 

I understand, and I’ve been there. Before there was Facebook, the internet, or Etsy, there were bulletin boards, binders, and magnetic refrigerators. And walls. So there I lived during the 90’s when my little ones were busy coloring every available surface they were allowed with a marker or a crayon.

Thankfully, I have more options for you today than I had for myself when I was a young mom, and I’m happy to share these artwork display ideas from my own recent research and some help from Storygalorey mom Cara Lewis, who shared her ideas with me-thank you! 

Here are 13 ways to keep (at least some of) your kid’s art without too much overwhelm:

    1. Bulletin Board: You can easily find bulletin boards or cork squares at Walmart, Amazon, or even Goodwill. Let your kid have an ever changing artwork display that changes monthly. At the end of the month, they have to choose 4 to keep in their binder. (see #2)
    2. Binder: Put it in a binder with plastic sleeves. Let your kid decide on one artwork to save a week. Put 52 sleeves in a binder and let them manage it.
    3. Notebook: Let them glue their artwork into a cheap lined notebook or composition book. These typically have many pages and they can preserve their favorite art in a book form, similar to #2.
    4. Display board: There are many of these for sale on Amazon for $20-$30, and more specialized ones on Etsy. They are basically boards with clips or clothespins attached for your child to display several pieces of art at a time, which stays displayed in your home for a revolving art display. The beauty of these is that you might be able to display larger pieces of art, unlike the binder method. If you want to keep these larger pieces, see #5.
    5.  Plastic Tub: If you have space in your closet, keep your kids’ paper treasures in a plastic tub. When they graduate from high school, they can go through it and decide what to keep-you might want to display some of it at their graduation party!
    6. Clipboard: Use a plain old clipboard (or 3!) and hang on the wall for a revolving art display. You can even have your child paint the clipboard itself with acrylic craft paint. After a week or a month, have your child sort through it and choose 1-4 for the binder or the plastic tub.
    7. Frame: Choose a few inexpensive frames from Ikea, Walmart, or Goodwill. Frame some of your child’s art for your home. Make a grouping for an effective display.
    8. Drop-in Frame: I love the frames where you can drop in and rotate art easily. This one is $22 for a more convenient, quickly changing art frame. 
    9. Jewelry: From Etsy, you can order jewelry made out of your child’s artwork! Brilliant and so meaningful. Here’s a link Cara Lewis shared with me: Art Jewelry
    10. Digital photo book or calendar: Take a photo of each piece of your child’s artwork and make a photo album from Shutterfly or Chatbooks or your favorite photo place. (I’ve had several ones from Walgreens fall apart so I wouldn’t recommend it.) You can make a new book/calendar each year, and then you don’t have to save the actual piece of artwork.
    11. Ikea Curtain Wire: I use this ALL the time in Storygalorey and love it. It’s just a wire with clips, and I can hang a lot of artwork on it. Wire Hanging SetAttach to Wall or Back of Door: This method requires a little space, but it works! Use masking tape or command hooks. 
    12. Attach to Wall or Back of Door: This method requires a little space, but it works! Use masking tape or command hooks.
    13. Facebook Art Sharing Group-Yay! I’ve started a private Facegroup just for you! If you are a friend of Storygalorey on facebook, you may receive an invitation to join! Message me here on facebook if you are interested!

 I can’t wait to hear all your ideas, and most importantly, to know that you are encouraging your child’s love of creating!

Want to inspire your child to create? Get your free Family Art Calendar which will give you 30 ideas for easy art projects for kids to do at home, and includes a few of my favorite picture books to spark their creativity. 


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