Do Storygalorey at home with NEW Drawing for Kids online class!

Teaching Kids Art Through Picture Books

Literature based art ideas for you and your family

How Can I Make Christmas More Meaningful?

I'm sure as a parent or grandparent, you've asked yourself this question: How can I make Christmas more meaningful? I think one of the answers is that you start a few weeks in advance with a preparation time called Advent.  

This can be a stressful time of year, but also one of the most important and impactful times for you, as the parent or grandparent, to make really great and meaningful memories with your children. Today I want to share some ideas to help you do that. 

Advent is a season of preparation for Christmas happening the four Sundays before Christmas. Some people have never heard of Advent, so if you don't mind, I'm going to share my tradition with you. 

In my family growing up, among other decorations for Christmas, out would come our old advent wreath. This was just a simple metal ring with 4 candle holders covered with red berries and some fake evergreens. My mom liked everything in her home to look lovely and...

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