Do Storygalorey at home with NEW Drawing for Kids online class!

Make a glow in the dark space picture

Apr 22, 2024

I am interested in Space...but my husband, kids, and granddaughter are REALLY interested in Space! Since my granddaughter was visiting, it was fun to think about doing some glow in the dark Space art to share with her and other children this past weekend. If you want to take your kids' art out of this world, try this with us. 

You will need scissors and glue and about 30 min. to do this project.

Grab your glow in the dark art supplies. If you don't have any, just grab any art supplies you have. Kids will still get to make a fun space picture, it just won't be glow in the dark. Not sure what I'm talking about? Read what glow in the dark art supplies I recommend here. Here's one more recommended by reader Debbie R: Elmer's Glow in the dark glue!

You'll also need a piece of black or purple paper and a piece of any other color of paper, plus some different sized circles to trace. I used a canning lid, a plastic tub, and a spray can lid. Use a variety of sizes--we are making planets! To make it glow in the dark, you need a black light flashlight and some neon colors of art supplies.

Watch the 3 minute video and/or follow these simple instructions:

1. Read a picture book about space! This gets kids thinking about designs they might want to include. Here's a free picture booklist resource sharing some of my favorite picture book recommendations about Space in case you missed it: Space books

2. Gather supplies: paper, oil pastels, crayons, markers, paints, whatever you want to use.

3. Trace circles and make designs on white or colored paper. Kids can just draw curved lines, dots, and colors, or they can also actually trace circles for planets and color them in. Paint if you wish. 

4. Cut out circles (let paint dry if you painted.)

5. Arrange and glue onto black/dark paper. Add dimension with 3D puff paint if you have it. 

6. Shine your black light flashlight on your paper! If you don't have one, it still looks pretty cool just to see your beautiful designs show up against the dark paper.

You can see the difference here:The one on the left has the black light flashlight shining on it; the one on the right doesn't. 

This project is fun to do as a collaboration. Everyone in the family or your friend group can create their own picture, and then you can put them all together for a galactic art gallery.  

Have fun using those glow in the dark supplies and make an super, celestial Space picture!

This post contains Amazon associate links, which means that you help support Storygalorey, but it does not cost you any extra. Thank you! 

Want to inspire your child to create? Get your free Family Art Calendar which will give you 30 ideas for easy art projects for kids to do at home, and includes a few of my favorite picture books to spark their creativity. 


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